sometimes its just the thought that counts, while the actions warms the heart further :)
i OT-ed again last night till nearly 9pm =.= the day wasnt any less eventful just that those events are minor enough to be normal hahahas
rejected going Zouk with bel & jocelyn since i need to be back into the office the next day sorry guys!!! i just couldnt imagine how am i going to drag myself to office if i stayed out till morning :(
cindy jio-ed me for a drink after we left office at 9pm she asked me to recommend her a place lols i told her the places that i normally go (Phuture) would have super long queues at that time (9pm) and we wouldnt be able to go in at all hahahahs anyways she prefer pubs and i am quite ok with anywhere so decide to go Irish Pub at cityhall volka lime cordials a basket of fries for me (thats the only thing i can eat :p) and a platter of sausages for her chatted a lot about this and that and work hahahahs its was quite a relaxing 3 hours spent especially the pub environment is vastly different from a club cabbed home at 11+pm and reach home slightly after 12am felt so tired and sleepy in the cab sia
woke up not feeling any less tired hahahas but body refuses to fall back to deep sleep after the inital woke up =.= ZZZZZ prepared myself and headed out to office *sigh*
current addiction (finishing!!! :))) its super nice!!! hahahahas but the book itself is a mystery cause i didnt buy it my 2 brothers denied that they bought it as though it just appear out of nowhere lil brother said that he saw it in the kinokuniya plastic bag at our doorstep so he brought it in o.O like so weird but i am no complaining cause its one of the books that i wanna read :D hahahas
cool & makeup-less me~~ lalalas :p
cindy came into office at nearly noon she also got things to do poor us~~~ she bought blueberry rolls from polar :D and when she bring them to me the first thing she said is: "vegetarian can eat this right?" hahahas then out of 3 she give me 2 :)
got more and more sleepy as i do my things *sigh* monotonous & robotic sort the papers time-stamp remove the staples & re-sort scan staple data entry over and over and over again....
i couldnt resist :p lalalalalalalas~~~
decide to leave office earlier than planned since mami & dadi are going to visit grandma rushed home and grabbed some dinner then off to bukit panjang
went over to cousin's (next door to grandma) slacked with ern san we saw a rainbow from his room :D very pretty!!! hahahahs then he tried to take pictures with his OMNIA but all not nice one..pixelated :x he tried about 3-4 times then the rainbow start disappearing le LOLs and disappear very fast sia!! :p in the end no pictures of the rainbow LOLs kuku 表弟~~ played a few rounds of chinese chess with him and i lose EVERYTIME =.= hahahahas duper long never play le lo i anyhow play even attempt to use his chess piece to "eat" another of his chess piece =.= hahahahs kuku me~~ but he also nearly make the same mistake :p hohoho~~~ so that makes the 2 of us :p
tml is the big day but i am still hesitating *sigh* how how how??? 去还是不去...
dont let me down... |