i am now handling 2 computers! hahax but more ma fan in a sense :p and my table is very colourful due to all the stationeries, water bottle and mug :p
the other computer :)
the colourful things :D
due to boredness from work i went shopping during lunchbreak :p didnt get anything but took some photos :p
nice mahx? i dunno whether to get this dress anot :p heex
and this is wad i wore to work today! :D love my watch :p heex
as u can see, our workload had seriously increased =.= and this is only the tip of the iceberg =.= they are trying to kill us :x
i got a blue dress today :D i am now addicted to blue and red hahax haven took the pic of it yet wait till i wear it out :p hahax
nthing much to update le jux hope that i can clear my work asap den maybe i can take off on the 28SEPT and enjoy a long weekend :D heex

am i getting fatter? ha