Sunday, September 16, 2007 at 8:58 PM$BlogItemDateTime$> |
went mahjonging through the night last night hahax :p suppose to go ikea and bugis but didnt go in the end :x hubby too tired le so he slept :x den we went tiong bahru plaza eat dinner had the personal steamboat at the rajah inn :) the food not bad la and enough for one person :) den we went for our mahjong session :p hahax ever seen black tile mahjong? me and hubby go buy cox our friends want new ones den got a lot of colours but black very unique so we got the black one :p
its truly black can :x LOL
normally this is the white tile (bai ban) now become black tile =.= (hei ban) LOL
i was very lucky last night but we didnt play money :p hahax..my first man tai of the night :p this is only the start of the first pot den i man tai le :p haha..fun!
den very funny cox we wanted to eat supper mahx so we thought we finish the four pots den go eat le den play play play den finally last round le and i was the last person was going to gastric aso le so looking forward to supper but den i won the last round =.= (mux continue to play) so they say wan exercise sportmanship so must play till i lose the round so we play lo but i consecutively win the next 6 rounds :p was clutching my tummy and laughing hard and paining due to gastric LOL so damn funny la they keep teasing me den i keep winning hahax den finally i lose :p in the end we had biscuits and cup noodles for supper cox too hungry to go out :p by right we can go at 2am de but i win until nearly 3am le LOL
went bugis today with hubby after catching a few hours of sleep :D but shopping with hubby isnt really fun :p hahax when ask for his opinion he will say "u like can liaox", "anything", "ok lo" =.= might as well dun ask hahax didnt get any clothes cox no one give me opinion :p got 2 pairs of heels though! heex my white and red heels! $10 each nia :D so happy wahahahahahax
tada! my heels :D
they are really high heels wor 3inches i tink :p hahax i will become abt 1.7m with those heels :x hahax
so now i am a happy girl once again :D i tink i really siaox liaox lo a while happy a while not hahax but den some problems are jux hard to solve u noe maybe time will let me noe wad should i do bahx :p for now maybe i shall jux enjoy my everyday :)
thanx for the love <3
cam-whore freak!
xoxo, Amber ♥
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