my colleagues envy me going off early
i told them they should see the mountains of work i have =.=

red heels definitely go with red bags :)
some random photos that are suppose to be up on sun :p
my mooncake from xiang :D
agnes bake choc muffins for us on mon (i took a small bite before i took the pic..heex)
saw this nail advert on the mag..i wanna 3D nail design :D
a shadow in the crowd (tuesday)

done by sinkuan :D

the one below is by sinkuan again :p

done by xiang :D the self proclaim but quite shuai aso :p
the one above was drawn by weijie way back in J1 chinese lesson
i wonder if he rmb and i wonder how i manage to keep it for so long :x
given to the council by shak i tink
ehx..i dunno why is it with me and in my file..LOL
nvm..i represent the council :p heex
done again again by sinkuan..to me of cox and i do yawn and sleep in lectures :x hahax..the days when we are crazy about post-its :p
i dug out a lot of stuffs actually
these were the few
brought back lots of good and bad memories though
i changed a lot sia
both physically and mentally

presenting to you the stay-home-on-sunday look
i am wearing my council tee :D
mami cooking me my bdae mee sua today :D
cox i dun have time to eat le :x
the rest of the days of the week is packed already :p
dadi cooking curry fishhead today too :D
its dinnertime!