Friday, March 02, 2007 at 9:21 AM$BlogItemDateTime$> |
freaking0922am :(
5 more hours?? haix
jux felt that sometimes people whom u noe but nv see before ie through msn, friendster, online games.. maybe for my case bahx it seems easier to talk to them to open up cox they dun judge u or should i say they cant cox in the first place they dun really noe u its easier to tell them that u are a failer den telling those people u noe cox most prob they will sincerely console you but those who noe u may jux agree that u are a failer theres a lot of things that i gain in my JC life but i lost a lot more too how i wish everything can start again but its a impossible wish i see a lot of people i judge a lot of people i am judge by a lot more people and truthfully out of my 2 years no matter wad i did no matter how hard i tried i couldnt get wad i wan the acknowledgement the feeling that i did something nicely and others are proud of me how many projects had i done seriously i didnt count but in everyone of them i put in my all and i saw people who put in lesser efforts but are praise for the lil things that they did cox they got the talent me? i haven found my talent but i did all the things that i should but in the end i felt redundant cox no matter how hard i tried the smile is not towards me my name wouldnt be said out i cant say that i have done this this this cause i done evrything else that seems crucial but insignificant i felt unloved, unappreciated, and all the un-s its a feeling of despair wanting to give up but still moving on with a disheartened heart nobody really cares they are too pre-occupied with their sorrows or joys i kept it to myself i tot i could cope but in the end wad did i get? for everything that i did its was forgotten i never got wad i wan i was jux me a lil me thrown away like a ragged doll used thus useless left alone abandoned and thus i lost everything i lost hope
*imissyou* |
xoxo, Amber ♥
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