running away from everything; the only thing that i am good at - me
due the kindness of my bro (which occurs only on certain times ie when the moon shines blue??) hahax am able to blog using his lappie yupx me gonna upload some photos of the week xp first up will be photos at work heex
currently i am working at:
 this is my table (or we can say the computer that i am using xp):
 this is the cup that i use but its not mine =x:
 currently i have finished with the first directory:
and starting on the second book which was 4 times thicker den the first?? T.T :  got ang baos from Fred.the big boss and Richard.the manager :) heex and fruits aso got mandarin oranges, sharon fruit and banana (i ate the banana before i take the pic =x):
but got to noe from another colleague that the way i put it look as if i am praying >.< lolx wad was missing is only incense sticks zzz
tml i will be starting on the thicker directory as shown above sianx ar hahax jiayou!!! >.<
will be having dinner with 25th at amanda house tml night :) i miss them a lot :D heex receive new year card from my beloved son, xiang hahax one look at the envelope and i knew it was from him xp thanx son :D  
on the left, me and my youngest brother, yi liang on the right, me and my brother, yee min they are shuai bahx..hahax..of cox lahx i am their big sis lehx xp but i always look like the youngest cox they are taller >.< *imissyou*