Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 5:05 PM$BlogItemDateTime$> |
woke up and decide to continue our chionging of "命中注定我爱你" over brunch :) baby's forehead felt itchy out of no reason so i lend him my hairband :p hahahahahs
his request was "dont take photo of my face!" LOLS so cute la :p
our view from the sofabed :D is can lidat nua the whole day one lo :p
plans for dinner with my family (to celebrate my mum's birthday tml) was postponed to tml just now booo! mum got jio out by her sisters (my aunts) =.=
had plans to join louis and people after dinner cause its zijian's birthday today and we were supposed to dinner with my family so baby called angie up to tell them that we were joining them but apparently zijian is still uncontactable hahahas heard he went drinking last night think he is still dead drunk :p so now, we are waiting for them to confirm with us before we set out
off to prepare :) |
xoxo, Amber ♥
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