Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 3:09 PM$BlogItemDateTime$> |
i got a full container of cereals on my table and i munch through a good half of it before lunch =.= LOLS it is just very addictive :x but it healthy food no :p so i guess its not that sinful afterall :)
whats left of it :p
i got another box ready but unopened they are supposed to be my breakfast la but i think they are going to be snacks too :p hahahas
due to the munching i wasnt that hungry by lunch so since i still got tomato and salmon spread left in the fridge i made sandwich for lunch :D
wholemeal bread is loves :)
i think i am getting more and more health conscious and of course weight and diet conscious :p for breakfast & lunch only though :p hahahs due to the lack of exercise at a regular basis i really got to cut down :x dinner is hard though cause homecooked food is always nice and i tend to overeat :x and snacks at night is getting frequent :x lols
And hopefully my body will cooperate with me the tummy stop giving me gastric problems and less hunger pangs, the hands stop reaching out for unhealthy snacks and the mouth stop itching for food :p |
xoxo, Amber ♥
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