Thursday, June 19, 2008 at 7:56 PM$BlogItemDateTime$> |
haix i am SICK :s down with stupid flu again felt feverish at work downed a cup of Lemsip and it got better for a while >.< my nose feel so chaf now and i tink it gonna peel tml :( manage to skip lunch due to lack of appetite and miraculously didnt even feel hungry the whole day...
received a call form Califonia Fitness apparently some friend of mine gave them my name and number and i got chosen for this VIP pass =.= then this guy on the phone keep going "yes, miss amber.....but you see miss amber...no miss amber...its ok miss amber" yada yada blah blah =.= keep "miss amber-ing" it gets on my nerve after a while and secondly, he called during lunch time and i was having a quick nap promised to give him a call back (which of course i didnt) and get back to sleep
the nap wasnt restfull but it make me feel better for a bit everyone was worried about me i ate chocolates though chocolates from Geneva are just too tempting :p so smooth that it brings all chocolates selling in sg to shame hahax got told off a bit by camryn and wan zhen about eating chocs :p lolx but this is what we call use poison to cure poison :p
erica saw my new haircut and said i look cute :D hahax i love BANGS :p
everything was quite ok and monotonous at work body ached a bit >.< but it was all ok until i make a call when i ended work the call was suppose to make me feel happy but instead it spoiled everything :( haix
went dhoby to meet the girl i was getting the hello kitty contact lense case from :)
cute bahx?? :D hahax it made me smile for a while :))
"sorry, blame it on me" but dont wait till its "too late to (even) apologise"....
to xianhui : thanks for telling me all that :) i did feel better lotx :) |
xoxo, Amber ♥
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