Replies to you :)
wongwong: wow!! lucky you :) hahax..i watch the show le :p very nice :D but a bit draggy :p hahax
sinkuan: hahax..i must clear my stuffs before i can resign and i really need money to pay school fees now :x to endure until all are clear and find another job that has a higher pay :p
him: lolx..hopefully :p wait till everything is over bahx..
ZhU t0u: i feeling better already :D thanx :D _________________________________________________________________
feeling much better already thanks all for the concern :D but still very tired rushing through each day buried with work days seems super long nowadays for when ppl look forward to ending work at 6pm, i still got 2 more hours to go >.< rarely is there a day i go home when the sun is still around :x haix everyday seems to last longer and when i thought i very long never update le i realise that my latest update was yesterday morning :x LOL i am so getting out of touch with time :x currently i have deleted all the internet shortcuts on both of my office computers :p this would curb all the temptations of me clicking them and work i shall do..till death will me and work part.. LOL whatever i think i am getting mad haix just hope all this will end soon....
still dunno how to face her face the one whom i trusted so much but had given me the stab in the back :( we had small talks with the rest but i felt awkward when theres only me and her i dunno if she is the one who dealt me the accusation but i was sure of it for if its not her then who? now i dun really trust anyone accept myself le why must things turn out this way?
anyways we will be shifting out of our cosy room le gonna sit outside with the rest of the world out there things gonna to get more and more different and difficult bahx i wonder how long i can last out there i was hoping to stay at least for one year though :x but if one day i resign it will be the day i am drove too much up the wall and too sick of adults and corporates and their selfishness.... i am kinda addicted to the 4-letter vulgar word nowadays and my mind is screaming it off at the moment... i think somewhere in my head i haven really cool off yet.. its not easy to forget and let go of this kind of anger isnt it?
currently am trying hard to upload moo's birthday celebration photos to photobucket now its so slow can >.< sk!!! i cant use the bulk uploader and i dont noe why =.= the page just wont load and i can only load like a few at one go :x and i got like many many photos!!
realise that i look very pinkish and powderish in all the photo >.< zzz its a bad make-up day must be i lay too much foundation le ._. sianx now i tink i look darn ugly in all the photos >.<
moo's birthday cake :D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . zzzz something wrong with blogger >.< they only allow me to upload the picture of moo's cake raaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant even something just go right for once and make me a tad happier for now? . . . . . . . . . . . . . ok..i realise i can upload..but like 1 photo at once only o.O
me and sk :D
she always get to take the first photo with me :p hahax...cox we are nearly always sitting in the immediate vicinity; beside each other :p *laughs* its my virgin pink day :p the theme was pink and i dont own any pink clothes >.< had to go shopping to get something in line with the theme and something that i gonna wear again at the same time :p menus of timbre :D
. . . . . . . . . zzzz photos wouldnt load again :(( let this be a sneak preview? more will be up soon :p its was really a great night though...catching up with the dearies :) but the service at timbre is really quite bad :x doubt we going back there again... oh, hell...its already 11pm... haix..i only reach home at 9pm..time pass darn fast >.< and sat is exam and i aint ready yet :( i think i flop the assignment so i have to get full marks for exam to secure my A :( really tired..can i get mc tml?