HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO AMANDA!! :pi didnt have the time to update yesterday :xyesterday was FUN!! :D heeex went to Serene Centre :p for my makeover and photoshoot :) got lots of photos!! all i take for myself for memory sake de :p i tink the make up artist is damn pro lo :) i never knew i can look like how i look like after she did the make up and hair for me!! :) i LOVE curls!! LOL i wanna get a hair curler!! :) den i can have curls whenever i like :D oh if you like my make up i got the make up artist's contacts :) let me noe :D too bad for me that i wun have prom anymore :( my make up didnt even look as nice last year :xBEWARE OF LOTS OF ZILIAN PICS BELOW :pbefore makeover:
........................... . . . . . . . . . AFTER :D ^^ hahax..
make up and hair just freshly done :D 

i cant stop taking pics :p *gushes*

CANT BLAME ME FOR ZI-LIANING :D i can only have the hair and make up for 24hours max :p
hubs trying to be monkey :p LOL
take 2: i got cut :x den hubs says "why dun take horizontal de?" den i "ya hor!!" LOL

tadah!! finally!! :)
kian came and we had dinner together and tiong bahru beppu restaurant (the ramen restaurant :))
me & hubs :D
me & kian :)
heex the wonders of make up i was looking in the mirror and i felt like a stranger to the girl i see in the mirror is that me?? i keep wondering lolx
*imissyou* |