Whee~~ after much difficulty being a computer idiot and all :x i FINALLY SUCCESSFULLY put in the html for nuffnang LOL thanx all nuffnangers for ur help and tags and link :) never expect the huge responses but am touched :D i am now part of the big family! yeahs!
and so can finally blog abt the my day after work le :p LOL prepare for a long post for i got some overdue pics to post :x
went watching resident evil with BF and his bro after work today :)
its was quite ok but the ending is rather disappointing :x make me wonder if theres a Resident Evil 4 but according to BF, it should end at 3 hmmx.. we all agree that maybe they are leaving some storyline for the MAYBE 4th episode maybe Resident Evil 4 will be Ressuraction :p LOL since 3 is Extinction hahax and the new population shall all be Alice since she got so many clones =.= if you had watched it u will noe wad i mean :p
 the day we missed the last train :D cam-whoring away as the guys decide where to go in the end? went home =.= LOL
my handphone holder plushie found a friend! agnes clock! hahax as you can see they belong to the same 2 legged and featureless plushies :D
   cant decide my plushie is a guy or girl so make him/her cross leg guys&girls style hahax too bored at work :p there was once agnes came to my desk and pick up my plushie and exclaimed to me "you aso got 2 legs!" LOL much to the whole department's laughter yanling den exclaim that so in her (agnes) eyes we are all freaks without 2 legs LOL
the purple black & gold day :D i wore my gold heels :p
the angle is nice! heex naru..did i get 8 points for my dressing?? :D
my hair finally long le :p hahax this is the past one year effort :p
and finally some pics of me trying to imitate the red octopus the cute octopus that cost $4.90 at comic connection :plove it but never buy :(
the normal look of octopus :)
the sceptical look..hmmx..
EEW..the "dun like you" look..LOL :p
its isnt really a long post i tink more of pics but lil of words :) theres still somemore but blogger error =.= cant post anymore pics le zzz shall leave it for another day den :D
*imissyou |