HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HUBBY AND CONGRATS FOR PROMOTION TO SERGEANT! :D yeahs hubby been promoted = pay rise hahax and he is lucky to be promoted on his birthday too :) but he is on duty today though so no celebration for him :x 10.10.2007 Dinner at marina square pizza hut hubby's treat :p cox his birthday & promotion coming :p
 how gayish can 2 guys get? LOL had fun and great time :D
work is boring as usual :x good news is i finally cleared my backlog! like finally :x been tortured by backlogs for nearly a month! phew ~ LOL so i am looking forward to lesser workload and more slackling :p hahax
been lazy to blog cox nthing much to blog aso :p hahax maybe somethings did happen today but i aso forget le LOL i am getting a teeny bit forgetful or maybe jux being ignorant le there jux too many thing happening everyday that u can talk abt but i am tired le maybe next time :)
my fringe getting longer le..rahh.. can i jux go to the hairdressers and jux ask to cut fringe? |