been very lazy again :p hahax lappie at hubby's house u see :x anyways shall we start from fri? :p hahax
met bear and friends up for a night of ktv-ing and a pub ard clark quay area cox its bear birthday :D and he got VERY high after some drinks high but not drunk and he made me drink too :x hahax fortunately thy was rather a good drinker or should i say one who noe her limits and thus wasnt knock out by the amt of martel he made me drink :p and this happens when hubby was playing pool so i cant ask for help :x LOL it was a rather fun night :D i played pool with form and sang some songs :) watched the guys play silly games and down lots of liquor and take pictures pics are with bear so i dunno when i will get them :x hahax den when the pub ends at 3am they wanna go PLUSH which was jux nearby but hubby and i were beat so we went home instead :)
sat i went back to school at 430pm for alumni meeting its was a short and efficient one :D we took less den 1 hr :) went down straight to meet my council guys for dinner :) was a farewell dinner for dearie xiang cox he flying to taiwan for training tonight
kokmun and me, waiting for bus after meeting :) he going taiwan too but for rather long so take this pic before he fly :)
shuhui me and jen wore the same shade of blue! electric blue!' LOL and me and jen had nearly the same combi :p blue top, white shorts, red bag! :D lucky she didnt wear her red heels if not exactly the same lo freaky sia :p wanted to have dinner at newyok newyork but it was damn packed
den we went marina square in search for nice restaurants Waraku was suggested and we made our way (which was quite a long way) there happy at last that we can finally have dinner but to our disappointment, it was even more packed den newyork =.= in the end we settled for Changing Appetittes :) the menu is rather like NYDC but food isnt as good though :x
the restaurant & halloween decor & menu :)
 my dinner :D iced peach soda + mad abt mushroom pasta :D my cam actually went dead after i take one pic =.= sianx so i can only take pics with my trusty w850i :)
 jen refuse to take pics with me cox she say i make her face look big :x so she like the second pic more :p we took more pics with others' cams which emphasize our similar attire :p hahax wait i kope from the rest den upload (if they did upload for me)
we make xiang do this :p heex..
CCA com FULL AGAIN!!! (inside joke :p) i dun have full group photo :x and the rest have upload their pics yet =.=
wanted to go chevrons for some ktv-ing but it was full!! :( sianx lo den they wanted to watch movie but its resident evil :( which i watched already so i the end i cabbed home with sinkuan the night was still so young for a sat :( pity we cant go singing :(
dear moosie got me this card and earrings for my bdae! :D
she put it in my bag when i didnt notcie it and would have not notice it until i am home when they told me at the restaurant LOL i really am surprised :D hahax..or maybe i am jux too blur? felt bimbotic the whole night cox of my dressing :p but i dun care hahax i am sick of all my wearing to work combinations :p lastly good luck and safe trip for dear wei xiang and han xiang! :D both are going taiwan for training tonight :) be safe and take cares boys!
i not a girl, not yet a woman |