Friday, July 06, 2007 at 5:32 PM$BlogItemDateTime$> |

caught Transformers with hubby and his bro last night we wanted to catch the 6++ show but its full den when we ask about the rest of the time slots they were aso nearly full le in the end we settle for the 840pm show sitting 4 rows in front of the screen -.- the show haven start i already neck pain liaox LOL but its worth it lo the show DAMN NICE :D hahax but the threatre was freezing even though its full >.< my fingers and feets are already numbed halfway through the show enjoyed the whole show though :D told hubby that we got to buy the dvd for it after the show end cox its jux a kind of show that u wun get sick of watching again and again :)
but hubby fell sick after the show fever lucky he got well through the night :)
*imissyou* |
xoxo, Amber ♥
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P.S. Just need a Click from you if there is any Nuffnang ad showing :D