Thursday, March 08, 2007 at 3:27 AM$BlogItemDateTime$> |
hahax..i noe..its time for bed.. ehx..time long overdued.. but den i re-watch this clip our investiture clip our last project together 8th july 2005 to 5th july 2006 it reminds me of my council term the 21 of us valerene benjamin nattaporn shuyun weibin me sinkuan weixiang jannah shuhui muriel jenny weihoong esther jennifer pearlyn chingting patricia ivan susian amanda how we fought hard overcoming all the tasks given to us we are the smallest team ever theres so few of us that sometimes when i look at the namelist i always tot someones' name wasnt written down but we completed the most tasks.. together..
the release of results brought much tears but there are joys too i sincerely congratx those who did well those who didnt (like me) lets work even harder kaes :) to all of ur future endeavours and path in life i wish u all the very best in my heart i will never forget the team that we were once
dear babes and dudes i really treasure u all the friendship shared i hope it will last till forever....thank you so much for the memories....
tonite we remember the time that we spent here the joy and the laughter that we shared.. *do you still remember this song? our song...

xoxo, Amber ♥
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