new VS old, baby didnt realise that he bought the same brand
Ready to go :D
we played for about more than an hour
the shuttlecock's head turned from white to red halfway through the game
dont know why
i told baby, maybe we use to much force and its "bleeding" :p
then after a few more rounds
we decapitate the shuttlecock :x
were truly amazed by the fit :p
did we really used that much strength?? LOLS
if like that, we have to buy a lot more shuttlecocks to stock up le :p
attempted to but we didnt manage to find the "head"
thus marking the end of our game
decapitated shuttlecock:
the partners-in-crime
it felt good to be exercising
but it still doesnt feel that i am exercising enough :p
maybe i should start to fully utilise the pool, gym, track in school :p
buddy, anyone?