Thursday, March 19, 2009 at 11:31 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
(updated in apr)
at Neebo cafe @ AMK HUB ^^
cafe's concept is like Settlers/Minds cafe i went down after work at VW just nice the rest reach amk at the same time meet them buy the present and off we went to Neebo
were all famished and attacked the food first LOLS then phototakings and playing board games taboo make us all laugh until tummy ache we all make mistakes when the time was ticking away "wads the opposite of first??" Second!!! we all scream the answer at the same time and burst out laughing LOLS and many more classics like sk's "wad man???" we went to list all the -man but not batman (the one we had to guess) hahahahs fun!!! we were shouting and screaming away LOLS just being ourselves :p