another monday i dont even have the time to take a breather filled with things to do once i stepped into office :( well at least some stones were thrown off the chest already phew~~
packed my table up a bit finally cant stand the mess anymore :x cleaned up and i felt loads better hahahahahs camryn says it will only last a few hours =.= zzzz hahahas but last whole day le i shall continue to keep it tidy and clean as much as possible feel more refresh working on a tidy desk :p
deadlines, deadlines and deadlines i OT-ed instead of going to class for the presentation :( i felt bad haix its really hard to cope :(
left office only at 9pm i realise that while everyone is going home earlier i am going home later :(
on the sidenote, my chio VS speedy ^^
just a cinderella dream... feel like switching off my phone forever & disappear... |