me, zanneither we both close our eyes or look down at the same time :p
Candid!! :D
did not take many pictures and with everybody this time
maybe its the tiredness/laziness :x
took more with zann & jo's cams :p
our guard dogs for the night :)
they bark at strangers
though they seem racist?
makes us laugh
gary (yeo) actually came down to find me
were sms-ing and he was at east coast
was just saying that his rx-8 is fast so can come down meet me :p
and he did :D
i realised that i had never sit in front in his car before
damn nice can his car!!
and he gonna get another mx-5?
rich kid!
went to upper seletar
theres this tower there
went up to chat :D
its was fun chatting with him
though he seem to doubt whatever that i say =.=
i never lie!!!
once i get my license he gonna lend me either his rx-8 or mx-5 :p
and piano lessons!!
i hope i can really learn from him
the thing is he live in the east and me the west???
unless he drive down to fetch me :p
good times flew fast?
didnt realise the time until about nearly 2 hours later
and he got to send me back to gang back at the dam :)
thank you gary!
why he so fair & me so tanned?
i look like a malay beside him
dennis & gary were leaving when i went back
gary got to book in early :x
zann had already left
i zonked out with jojo in her car
damn tired
mosquitos feed on me again =.=
woke up one hour later
they had all packed up and ready to go
ann & kian send me back home
thanks ann!
i had fun!! :D
though was rather tired by 10pm :x
a mood-dipping moment when phonecall wasnt answered :(
felt a bit bad that i left the group and went off with gary (yeo) for a while :X
oh well..
P.S.S. i wore my green lenses for nearly 24 hours..7.30am to 6.00am :x very bad..tsk..
"'re cute, i like u.." hahahs..i am touched...