monday was horror!! >< so many things to do :( and the stupid computer keep having errors thats disrupt my work :( *sobx*
(this was the biggest poster i could find :p) caught Alien Vs Predator yesterday with hubs its BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i watched the first one so a bit wasted if never watch the second one den in the end i keep cursing throughout the whole show >< what happen to the storyline man! lolx too bad national treasure's timing i cant make it ><
i still haven upload the picys for last weekend :p heex the pictures are making my phone laggy >< dont think i will upload all bahx just some classics and group pics :p
today was horror too again due to the computer =.=
hubs came and lunched with me today :D it rained super heavily =.= lucky got umbrella and i get to eat the super nice roast pork rice!! :p lalalalalalas
lesson resumes tml night with a new module.. business statistics SIANX but i am looking forward to meeting eunice and stal! :D lolx
its tuesday....ONLY >< i keep thinking its wed cant time pass any faster?
looking forward to sat!!! ^^