went to try this dress the other day after work :p its nice but the cutting is damn low in front :x so this shall be a photo for memory :p hahax
today is Home Team Academy aka Police, Family Day its at sentosa, siloso beach :) and hubby bought the tix for both of us so we went down hoping to have some fun :)
before hitting the beach, some breakfast at Vivo's food junction before taking the tram :)

i love the lighting!! but hubby say if its for developing, confirm exposed :x
its was really very crowded and uber scorching HOT! but most of the stuffs are for kids (game stalls) ya we queued up for some free cotton candy :p which literally starts melting under the sun =.=
one random pic :p
i saw this airbrush tattoo stall which seems very fun cox i can get a temporary tattoo that looks kinda real for free :) so i told hubby and friend to go walk around themselves while i wait in the queue (which was kind of long and slow) by the time they came back, it was like 15-20min later and i am still queuing =.= but of cox i made some progress all thanx to the fact that a couple of people step out of the queue in front due to the long wait and mind you we are queuing under the HOT SUN!! =.= AND THEN... my fainting spell got to hit me AGAIN!! *sobx* i am like 4 more person to my turn le? but i really cant tahan the heat and the dizziness even squatting and sitting down doesnt seems to help :( so i got to GIVE UP!! *sobx* had to go out of the line and lay on hubby's thigh under the tree for shade i got to lie down to feel better :( and this ruin the whole afternoon's programme :( cox we are actually entitled to one free chairlift and luge rides :( but in the end cant go :( went home instead after lunch and hubby got to give away the tix :( haix felt so BAD!!! should really see a doc soon :x the dizzy spells are getting more frequent though today's may be due to the heat :(
had an afternoon nap to make myself feel better :) and we went out again to hubby's colleague's home for Hari Raya :) its ok lo like chinese new year go pai nian lidat LOL jux that no ang baos :p but got lots of good food :D and the hosts are uber nice :)

i love you! :D thanx for taking care of me :) *imissyou* |