Wednesday, July 25, 2007 at 11:00 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
first day of work to my horror no computer at my desk at all =x no internet access no msn no nthing jux me the table and a typewriter and the telephone and stuffs lidat >.< zzz
the typewriter (duh) the phone, i have to read to pass time -.- on my right, the stationeries the view from my desk ie the lift lobby me and i look freakishly weird -.-
not really bored even though i dun have any entertainment except for my book there wasnt much phone calls today and i dun mind phone calls anyway cox its jux transferring of calls or take a msg theres mails to handle today too and surprise surprise i got to use the god damn typewriter which i thought i wun be touching at all -.- but i learn something amazing abt the typewriter which is u can actually delete the word that u have type! hahax i may sound noob but come on lahx by the time i touch any kind of technology i am already in the computer (windows edition) era lolx but its really surprising cox i always tot typewriter only can type if type wrong den hor hor, need change paper liaox hahax pass my time mostly reading and smiling and drinking water lolx everyone was friendly though even the bosses dun tink i will be doing long though cox i heard they are looking for perm staff le and seriously i am underpaid by my agency (as told by my manager) haix but i dun really care la at least i get some pay instead of rotting at home or spending more money hahax sounds like i am consoling myself :p
couldnt eat lunch with sinkuan as we have a different lunchtime so ate with a colleague and the cleaning obasan :) hear them gossip abt other colleagues are rather interesting lolx seems like every company have their politics thus making the working society seems so fake -.- mainly kept to myself as i dun really need to noe them and vice versa i dun even noe how long i am working for so why put in much feelings and emotions everything jux have to be at the minimum the least such that some communication can still happen hahax loner mentality :p but hello.. they are ojisans and obasans and i am a teenager LOL wad did u expect?