Tuesday, December 26, 2006 at 1:22 AM$BlogItemDateTime$> |
Last minute preparations is never good - me
its like 0130hours in the morning wad am i doing here? wad the hell cant sleep been worrying about my dress argh
was browsing through the net finding inspirations feeling a bit sad that nobody is pei-ing me tml a bit only bahx? lolx i dunno
seriously i cant imagine myself weaving through the crowded shopping areas alone zzz its kinda lonely and cold hate that feeling *sobx* where is everybody when i need them? i noe i sound selfish but thats how i am feeling now
most prob it will be me and my ipod only tml bahx yan say she may make it but still yet to confirm gotta rush to a lot of places later first thing in the morning the bank haden got time to bank in my pay checks den to woodlands to meet cal for my prezzie den to bugis maybe to shop den to jurong to pick up my cameras den back to JJ for the remaining OGL camp programmes haix how to shop for prom when everything is so packed?? i dun even feel confident enough to survive shopping alone roar* and i haben bought any shopping prezzies for anyone zzz
before i drown myself in my own sorrows some happy things to blog about had christmas dinner with xiang, esther and susian at mache hahax quite fun and ful-filling x) had wine with budget lolx feel very adults worx heex and they pei me shop around too but late le den a lot of shop close le sad :( oh well time waits for no one
*imissyou* |
xoxo, Amber ♥
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