Wednesday, September 13, 2006 at 10:45 PM$BlogItemDateTime$> |
Youur hugx iis whatt i reallly wiish forr noww Cannt waiit to see youu - me
dear dear just called xp Seems like even in PA u got to cut off all ur hair too =x Wonder how he look like now lolx =p PA seems relaxed too..cox he hasnt start any training yet x.x think tml den will have bahx =)
Anyway i was watching the korean show at 10pm 'wo jiao jin sanshun' damn nice =D (oopx..i am supposed to be studying for chemistry) yupx and theres a nice conversation that kinda goes like this: 'i wish to turn you into Thumbellina so that i can put you in my pocket and take you to everywhere that i am going.' - Zhenxian 'i wish to change you into my scarf so that i can wrap you around my neck and you can never leave my side.' - Sanshun oohh...isnt this jux so sweet... suddenly i jux want him to be around jux one hug i will be contented.. but i will wait =) 9 more days 'Love is a foolish thing.' - Sanshun i am so foolishly in love with you

*imissyou* |
xoxo, Amber ♥
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